"I'm Grateful that Cris is Offering Himself as a Resource to You."
Cris is a former College Zoom student from many years back whose passion is financial literacy. Today, Cris's day job is as an independent and certified financial advisor (link to his website). Earlier in his career, he worked at Morgan Stanley and Raymond James to provide businesses and families like yours with strategic financial plans. One day over lunch, David and Cris hatched this idea as a way to help families have an important conversation that is often neglected. This free planning opportunity to meet with Cris is independent of, and unconnected to, College Zoom.
Note: this is a volunteer, free service offered by Cris to you. You will email the requested information directly to Cris. College Zoom does not see, save, or have access to whatever you input. If you already have a financial advisor, this is a great opportunity for an unbiased second opinion on the strategic options that best suit you.
— David Reynaldo, College Zoom®
Manage Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
A complimentary, 1-on-1 strategic planning session by Cris
Step 1 | Provide Information Before Meeting Cris
Please email cris@brightlegacyamg.com with answers to the following 4 questions:
- Your phone number
. - (Optional) List any Expected Family Contribution (EFC) values you got from college net price calculators.
*E.g. USC ($64,211/year), UCLA ($34,677/year). Cris highly recommends using Net Price Calculators to estimate your unique cost of attending 1 or 2 specific colleges (if not all of them) before you meet. It takes 2 to 4 minutes per college and helps him tremendously in planning for your goals. Learn how.
. - What was the gross annual income of both parents last year?*
*If a parent is estranged, separated, or divorced, provide the gross annual income of the custodial parent (including any child support received from the non-custodial parent) and read this). If one parent absolutely refuses to help pay for college, read this.
. - What is both parents' combined, estimated net worth?
*Count assets with annual gross income. Exclude retirement accounts. If a parent is estranged, separated, or divorced, please provide the net worth of the custodial parent.
- Your phone number
Step 2 |Schedule a Time to Connect
Once you've emailed Cris your answers, use this link to schedule a time with Cris via Calendly.
Tip: In advance of your meeting, if you haven't figured your Expected Family Contribution, it only takes 2 to 4 minutes per college. It takes 2-4 minutes per college toKnowing the estimated cost you'd uniquely pay for each college will help determine the best strategies for you. At minimum we recommend knowing the EFC of at least 1 or 2 of your desired colleges.
To learn your EFC, Google: “[name of college] net price calculator”
For example:
USC Net Price Calculator
UCLA Net Price Calculator
UC Berkeley Net Price Calculator
Harvard Net Price Calculator
UPenn Net Price Calculator
Stanford Net Price Calculator
Duke University Net Price Calculator
University of Texas - Austin Net Price Calculator
University of Washington - Seattle Net Price Calculator
UC Santa Barbara Net Price Calculator
NYU Net Price Calculator
Boston University Net Price Calculator