#1 Ranked on Yelp | Best College Counseling in Los Angeles
With The Best Success Rate Nationwide
Since 2009, 96.5% of students who fully completed our college application packages were admitted to one or more of their top 3 choice colleges—even with below-average grades and test scores, as long as their grades and test scores weren't lower than the 25th percentile for admitted students. Because we don't steer our students towards easier 'top choices,' both high-achieving students and underdogs trust us. Our success stories include:

Why Gamble with Your Future?
Admissions officers don’t just read applications—they grade them. Therefore, in our initial consult, you'll be graded on an admissions rubric. Discover your true competitiveness for elite universities and scholarships. Fix vulnerabilities. Strengthen your candidacy. Change your odds, don't accept them.
Imagine having the answer key before the exam—your path to success is transparent and clear. No misguided decisions, wasted effort, stress, or burnout.
Expert Opinions Provided For:
Personalized 1-on-1 Guidance
Wherever you live, we will help you. Face-to-face coaching virtually.

Discover your true competitive eligibility for acceptance and scholarships to universities.

Get the right strategy for your goals, with action steps personalized to your strengths.

Find and combine your most profound life stories to surpass your competition.
Secure Your Place Among America's Best
Book your initial consultation. Measure the distance you need to close.