Contacting a Potential Mentor:

*Always personalize whenever possible.

A. FIRST EMAIL (If a Teacher)


Email Subject: Advice on (Insert Topic)

Hi ____________,

Paragraph 1. Compliment the person on a skill or attribute that either (a) you want to emulate or (b) relates to something you’re trying to improve in 

  • “One thing I really admire about you is _____
  • Bonus: if you can personalize this part with further admiration, the better

Paragraph 2. Share how you’ve made a commitment to make progress on the topic.

  • Over the past (specify the period of time), I’ve been struggling with ______. (Go into a bit of sentimental detail about the challenge you’re having so the reader understands this is substantially significant for you.)
  • Therefore, I’ve been trying to improve by ______ (briefly explain the attempts you have made thus far to achieve progress and follow through on your own). This will demonstrate that you have taken the initiative before contacting them.

Paragraph 3. Ask them for their advice on 1 or more of the following:

I understand that you have a very busy schedule, but I would greatly appreciate any opportunity to connect with you for XX minutes (over the phone, on Skype, by dropping by your classroom/office, over coffee, etc.) to get your opinion and feedback on (choose 1 of the following):

  • Whether I’m on the right track (validation)
  • How I can do a better job of a specific task
  • How I can overcome a challenge I’m facing
  • Mistakes I should avoid


[Your School], Class of 20__

B. FIRST EMAIL (For a Non-Teacher)


Email Subject: Advice on (Insert Topic)

Hi ____________,

Paragraph 1. Compliment the person on a skill or attribute that either (a) you want to emulate or (b) relates to something you’re trying to improve in 

  • “One thing I really admire about you is _____
  • Bonus: the more you can personalize this part with further admiration, the better

Paragraph 2. Share how you’ve made a commitment to make progress on the topic.

  • Over the past (period of time), I’ve been trying to improve in X by (explain your follow through)

Paragraph 3. Ask them for their advice on 1 or more of the following:

I understand that you have a very busy schedule, but I would greatly appreciate any opportunity to connect with you for XX minutes (over the phone, on Skype, by dropping by your classroom/office, over coffee, etc.) to get your opinion and feedback on (choose 1 of the following):

  • Whether I’m on the right track (validation)
  • How I can do a better job of a specific task
  • How I can overcome a challenge I’m facing
  • Mistakes I should avoid


[Your School], Class of 20__


Follow up with a phone call (or another email) reiterating your eagerness and interest if you do not get a response every 48 hours. 48 hours is the standard, acceptable follow up interval in business.

First Follow Up:

Hi ____________,

Gently following up. (Add a one sentence update on something new that you’re up to related to the project — it can be progress in knowledge, achievement, traction, etc. — to signal that you’re actually seriously invested and excited about what you’re doing). Would it be possible for us to connect soon?


[Your School], Class of 20__

Second Follow Up:


Hi ____________,

I hope you’re having a great week! Please kindly let me know. :)*

(*Smilie face optional. It depends on your personal style. But I like it. It softens the requested urgency of the matter with a softer, friendlier and less intrusive tone. — David).


[Your School], Class of 20__

Since [name of major] is a possible major for me, I would like to speak with you on the subject of your college experience.
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