Use This Page to Create Your “Day in the Life” Scene.

(a) Find Your Opening Scene

The more thoughtful and honest you are, the better your essay will be.

1. Within the major that you’re declaring, what is the biggest issue that bothers you the most about your field?

Example: It bothers me homelessness is really bad.

Your turn. Fill in the blanks:

What I hate in _____ is _____.

2. Where do you find a parallel to this problem from your personal life?

Example: coming

3. Combine those two ideas, and create a potential project solution. 

Example: coming

4. If you executed this idea perfectly (using a magic wand), who would this project ideally benefit?

Example: coming

5. Now, scale this up for a pie in the sky vision.

Example: coming

6. Lastly, scale back to find your opening scene. It should be set in the early to middle stages of your launch.

Example: coming

Tip: Get creative. Below is a list of a peak emotions that can help you imagine a unique intro scene. Remember, the essay is about the journey to become, and it ends long before you arrive at the dream destination. E.g. it ends while you’re still humbly working on research you’re excited about because it might contribute to the quest for a cancer cure. It doesn’t end with you curing cancer in college. That would be too pretentious. 🙂 

See an example of the following list filled out here.

Now it’s your turn. Be creative. Envision yourself undertaking this project. Answer with something you’re dynamically doing in mid-action.

In my greatest moment of peak…

  1. enthusiasm, I’m: ______________
  2. determination, I’m: ______________
  3. optimism, I’m: ____________
  4. empathy, I’m: ____________
  5. gratefulness, I’m: ____________
  6. intrigue, I’m: ______________
  7. curiosity, I’m: ______________
  8. focus, I’m ______________
  9. inspiration (tip: think of lateral thinking), I just had the idea to: ______________
  10. excitement, I’m ______________
  11. innovation, I’m: ______________
  12. confusion, I’m: ______________
  13. creativity, I’m: ______________
  14. sensitivity, I’m: ______________
  15. hope, I’m: ______________
  16. anxiousness, I’m: ______________
  17. vulnerable, I’m: ______________
  18. hesitant, I’m: ______________
  19. risk, I’m: ______________
  20. tight-knit/closeness, I’m: ______________
  21. nostalgism, I’m: ______________
  22. fear (as in: do something everyday that scares you), I’m: ______________
  23. passion, I’m: ______________
  24. skeptical, I’m: ______________


7. Choose your favorite mid-action moments.

Your first scene will combine these elements! Voila! 🙂

(b) Now Research The College

1. Research the academia.

Visit the university’s main website as well as the department website related to your major. Research classes, professors (including any published research on their biography pages), unique academic programs, research opportunities, cohorts, fellowships, etc. that can teach you the hard and/or soft skills you need to succeed in your quest. Identify at least 3 items of interest, and write a sentence that describes what each one is and why it will aid you in your quest.

  1. _
  2. _


2. Research student involvement opportunities.

Research student organizations, clubs, internships, community service, hackathons, student competitions, etc. opportunities. Identify at least 3 items of interest, and write a sentence that describes what each one is and why it will aid you in your quest.

Opportunities directly relevant to your major and project:

  1. _
  2. _

Opportunities indirectly relevant to your major and project (i.e. lateral thinking):

  1. _
  2. _


3. Research the culture, traditions, and miscellaneous facts.

Research school traditions, cool buildings or facilities, current issues relating to the campus, newsworthy happenings that relate to the college, and campus statistics that relate to you (for instance: number of people with disparate major/minor combinations, highest # of women in computer science, # of students who start business, etc.). Identify at least 3 items of interest, and write a sentence that describes what each one is and why validates that you are at the right college.

  1. _
  2. _


4. Bonus: be next level

It’s highly recommend that you do the following for your top 3 desired reach colleges if you’re serious about them. Gain exclusive insights by:

(a) calling the admissions office and asking to speak to a student worker to learn more about the school and your major, and/or
(b) email a student organization that you found interesting and seek a time to speak with a student leader.

They’re really nice and friendly. Student workers in the admissions office signed up for the job specifically to answer questions from prospective students like you! Leaders of student organizations are the most passionate members who love to promote their organization and their college experience. Strategically pick questions from  to ask them. You’ll discover insider details that cannot be found on the website. Then, record the details below you can weave into your essay. That’ll be the cherry on

  1. _
  2. _
Since [name of major] is a possible major for me, I would like to speak with you on the subject of your college experience.
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